Saturday 1 August 2015

A D(G)ay with all

Warning: This post is fictional and bears no connection with the persons mentioned and is purely for imaginary purposes. It consists of sexually explicit material and readers are advised to continue on their own risk.

It was an award's night. I was watching the show on my TV at home. I saw the show and there was all the four- Cherry, Bunny, Prince and Darling seated in the front row. All were dressed up in sexy black suits and I thought how nice it would be to meet four of them. They all formed a huddle and Cherry was telling something to them. They all laughed and Cherry took out his mobile and called someone. To my surprise my mobile started ringing. I took the call and the voice at the other end said, "Hey dog, I am your God Charan speaking." I became nervous and said, "Yes sir. Tell me". He said,"I want you to be in the five-star hotel within 30 mins. Be prepared for a long night and don't you be late or else you will have it from me he said." I said, "As you wish, Sir" and he cut the call by then. I immediately got dressed up and left for the hotel he said. But as fate would have it, there was a long traffic and I reached the hotel 30 mins. late. I called up Charan again to find his room no. He answered,"You are late stupid and you want the room no now.Fuck off i am not gonna give you." he said. I said I was sorry for him and told the reason for being late. I pleaded him to give his room no. He finally relented and gave me the room no.
I went to the room and knocked at it. Cherry opened the door. As soon as I entered, he charged at me and slapped me 4-5 times telling, "is this the time to come. Didn't I ask you not to be late? How dare you disobey me?" He pushed me so hard that I fell on someone's feet. I turned up to look up and saw it was Bunny smiling. I looked around to find even Prince and Darling there. They all were happy to see me and recognized me instantly. Cherry came up to me and lifted me and said, "You will be punished for this, bitch. Now remember, you do not have any rights to question any of us as long as you are here. You are here to faithfully follow all of us here and obey and do what we say. Do you understand?" I said "Yes, sir". Bunny came up to me and continued,"If you dare disagree you know what the punishment will be.", hinting at the punishment he had given me for sneaking into his vanity van. I said,"Yes sir. I know sir. From this moment onwards, I am all your slave sir. I will obey everything you say and never question or argue any one of you sir."  Now Prince got up and said,"That's good. Now we will take you in our car and blindfold you. You will fly with us to some secret place and then we will use you as our slave. Got it?" I said "Your wish sir." I followed all of them into their car. It was a limousine and all of them entered. I entered last and asked them to blind fold me. Prince stuffed my mouth with his kerchief, took a tape and first pasted it on my mouth. Then Darling held my hands to my back and Cherry took a strong rope and tied it tight to my hands. Then Bunny blindfolded me using a black cloth strip. They asked their driver to start. The car started moving and I felt anxious every moment as what was about to occur. After 30 mins. or so, we reached and the car stopped. They ordered me to get down, I slowly got down still blindfolded. They all got down and pulled me along. We entered a plane and it took off. After about 1.5 hrs, the flight made a landing. We got down from the flight and they dragged me all the way. We got into one more car and drove from there. I was very anxious to know what was happening considering the way they were cruelly treating me.
After driving for a few minutes, the car finally stopped. They kicked me out of the car and everyone got down. Slowly they removed all the blindfolds and everything they had tied to me.I opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of a jungle. Though it was not an exact jungle it was some kind of jungle lodge. I was sure that I was in for a rough day ahead. It had trees, long-arm chairs to sit and some drinks and cigarettes on a table. A couple of hammocks were tied to trees. There was a swimming pool nearby. Then the driver came up with a bag and kept it on the floor. They signaled the driver to leave and he left.
Once he left, Cherry removed his belt from his pant and started whipping me. He said, "This is your first punishment for coming late." He whipped it so hard that my legs started becoming numb. He asked me how I felt. I said I felt good and wanted more beatings. At this point, Bunny also came. He opened the bag zip and took out a cricket bat. I was stunned. He lifted the bat to beat me. Darling asked him to stop. I thought I was relieved. But he continued," If you guys hit him like that, he will not feel the pain. Let him undress and stand naked. Then he will get nice pain." All agreed and Prince said, "What are you waiting for fucker. Didn't you hear that? Strip all your clothes and stand nude so that they can beat you nicely." I started taking all my clothes and simultaneously Bunny practiced a few shots on me lightly. I stripped down naked and lay standing there. They asked me to lift my hands. Bunny started showering his shots on my ass. He hit them so hardly as if he was hitting some sixes. I screamed. Cherry also continued his whipping on my cock and my balls. At first the beatings were slow and slowly they started becoming more frequent and faster. It was paining a lot and I dared not to open my mouth. After a few minutes, they became tired. Darling and Prince got up from their seats and offered to continue. Bunny and Cherry handed them their weapons and relaxed on the chair. Darling took the belt and stood at the back while Prince took the bat and stood in the front. I was scared and could not help and exclaimed,"Sir?" Prince told,"What do you expect us to listen to what you say? Just shut up and take wherever and however we beat you. If we beat you with this bat onto your cock you just take it. Even if you die, we don't care. Nobody will ever find out. Moreover there are so many people out there who are ready to die for us. You should be lucky that we chose you." Needless to say, I agreed with him and lifted my hands to allow them to continue their beatings. This time it was even harder. Prince started batting onto my dick while Darling started whipping onto my red ass. They continued this until they were satisfied and stood there with my mouth shut though it was paining like hell. Finally they stopped after 10 mins.
Then Cherry and Bunny called me. They asked me to keep my hands up and I did so. They took a rope hanging from a tree and tied it around my waist. Then they took my hands back and also tied it with a rope. They then pulled the other part of my waist rope so that I was hanging horizontally mid air. Finally they took my legs and folded them and tied up them. Now they all started stripping down to their under-wears. Finally everyone was nude in their underwear. It was a wonderful sight and I was happy I was there at that time. First Cherry came to me and lifted his feet. I opened my mouth and he put his feet into my mouth. I started sucking them and his toes. He wanted to keep both the feet. He slept on the hammock nearby and stretched out his legs. Now it was heaven and I started to get back on my job of sucking. I sucked and licked his feet. It was now Bunny's turn. He also came up and started stuffing his feet into my mouth. Cherry removed his feet and place them on my eyes. I simply started sucking Bunny's feet and toes. I enjoyed sucking them and he asked me to suck even harder. I started sucking them harder. Then they both went and Darling and Prince came. They both put each of their feet into my mouth and asked me to suck them. I sucked both their feet. It was like Mixed Doubles. I enjoyed sucking and they removed their respective feet and put the other ones in. I started sucking even them and licked their feet until it was clean.
By then I saw everyone including me were sweating. Prince asked Cherry to pass on the towel to wipe his sweat. Cherry said to him, "Why do you need the towel when our slave here can be the towel?" I was more than enthusiastic to lick off their sweat. They untied me and I first went to Prince. He lifted his hand and I licked the sweet sweat off his armpit. When everything was dry, he pushed me and I went to Bunny. Bunny lifted his hand, held my head by my hair and forced my mouth onto his armpits. I was forced to lick his armpits and sniffed the sweet smell in them. He then laid my mouth onto his other armpits and I licked them too. He then let go off my head and at the same time Cherry called me. I went to him and he said," I guess I need not have to tell you what to do." I said "I know sir." He said " Then start it fucker". I lifted his right hand and started sucking the sweat off his right armpit. I licked them slowly and he immediately lifted his left hand. I went to them and started sucking them. Finally I was done with him and proceeded towards Darling. Darling was ready with both his hands raised up. I went and started sucking them and licking all his hairy and sweaty armpits. 
Then Prince raised and said, "Let's play a game. We will blindfold you. You will come to each one of us and we will put our cock in your mouth. You have to suck that cock for 10 mins. After sucking you have to guess whose cock it was. If you guess it properly you get to drink their piss while he pees into your mouth. If you guess it wrong you don't get it. We may repeat the same person twice. If you guess it correct the 2nd time too, that person will shit in your mouth. You have to eat that shit. After eating the shit off their asses you have to lick their assholes clean. Totally you will be doing this 10 times. In this you have to drink everyone's piss and eat everyone's shit. So you get only 2 chances for being wrong. Remember this is the only food and drink you are going to get here. So see to it that your stomach is filled."
Then they started blindfolding me. I went first to my first person. I sucked his cock for 5 mins. It was long. I guessed it was Prabhas's cock. Darling said Yes!! He then asked me to open my mouth. I opened it. He started peeing. I gulped his piss and started drinking. He pissed continuously for 2 mins. He then stopped. Then another person came. This time I started sucking. I could feel the nerves on the cock. I immediately knew it was Cherry. However I did not want to stop it in the middle. I simply sucked for 10 mins. After that Cherry withdrew his cock from my mouth. I said "It's my God Charan Sir!!". He laughed loudly. He said, "Correct. Why did you take so long fucker!? I know you could have answered it in the 1st min itself. You just wanted to enjoy my cock, you bitch. Anyway, remove your mouth wide open now." I opened my mouth. He first peed a few drops into my mouth. There I was tasting my Master's golden water again. He stopped it. After few secs, he let out his piss stream into my mouth. It was so forceful that I had to gasp for my breath while gulping it. After 1 min or so, he stopped. It was now time for another cock. I started sucking it. It was little hairy. But it was sweet also. I sucked it but was confused if it was Prince or Bunny. After 10 mins. my head was removed from the cock. I guessed it, "This must be my Master Allu Arjun Sir." He said, "You are right bitch. But somehow you seem to be sucking the cock even if you know the answer. So I am gonna change your reward a little. I am gonna pee but not in your mouth. I will make you bath in my piss. Remember it the last time??" I said "Yes Sir." So he maid me squat between his 2 legs. Then he started peeing. It was slow at first. And gradually it became more. I enjoyed bathing in his piss as always. What he did not know was I was also silently drinking little of his piss. He peed for like 2 mins and there was no sign of stopping. He laughed and said, "You think it's gonna stop now. No way my boy. I drank a bottle of water just now. I am gonna make sure you get all of it" It continued for another 3 mins. I could listen to others laughing. But I just concentrated on bathing and drinking his piss whenever I could. Then it stopped. I was pulled by my hair to the next person. I knew it was only Cherry who liked pulling me by my hair. I was then given another cock to suck in my mouth. I thought it maybe Cherry as he was the one who pulled me by my hair. But it was not like Cherry's cock. It also tasted differently. I then thought it was Prince only but Cherry had pulled me to mislead me. However I was in confusion as this could have been Cherry 2nd time (as Prince had earlier said it will be twice). To clear the confusion I sucked even more. I could not feel the nerves. This time I was sure it was not Cherry. It had to be Prince. I said, "This must be Mahesh Sir." They laughed loudly, "You seem to know each of ours cock perfectly, you Faggot. You are the perfect slave" Saying so he made me open my mouth. He then peed into my mouth. I started drinking it. It was very sweet. I liked it a lot. So I started drinking it. However he did not pee much. After some 2 mins he stopped. I had guessed everyone's correctly and I was happy about it.
It was now time for the 2nd turn. Since I had guessed it correctly I though it was going to be easy for the 2nd round. But Bunny started, "Since you have guessed everyone's cock properly, there will not be any fun playing it again. So I am gonna change the rules a little. Instead of the cock, now you are going to lick our assholes." I said, "Sir??". He came and kicked me and continued, "Don't you dare interrupt me you idiot. Wait for me to finish. You will lick our assholes. And since you like licking it we know you will take more time even if you know the answer. So there will be no time limit but while you are licking, another person will spank your ass with this cricket bat until you tell the answer. That way you will not lie, Bitch. Also you will be hung upside down to the tree branch all this while. Is it OK?" I was petrified hearing the setup but knew I could not say No. So I replied, "As you say, my Master" They tied my feet with a rope. Then they pulled the rope over the tree branch. I was hanging upside down vertically. They tied the rope to the trunk of the tree. My head was 3 feet above the ground. Blood started rushing my head. But I made up my mind to enjoy this session as it was the best pain I could suffer for my Masters.
The first person came. He lowered his asshole into my mouth. I started licking it. Another person started hitting my ass with the bat. It was unbearable for me. I could not guess who it was. I licked it more. I then guessed it. "This is Arjun Sir!" He said, "Ha. That's right you bitch. Now keep the mouth open while I shit in your mouth" Before I could even react, "Plop" a shit fell from his ass to my mouth. I ate it. He then shit again. Now it was even more. I soon gulped it quickly. He said, "That's it for now. Lick my asshole clean." I sniffed it and licked his asshole. I made sure it was clean. It was next person's turn. He put his asshole into my mouth. The beating started. I started licking it. Within the first minute I knew it was Prince. I said loudly, "It is Mahesh Sir". He said, "Right. Now lick it even more. I will shit soon." The beating stopped and I licked it with my tongue. Then he said, "Here it comes." He started shitting into my mouth. The shit was very sweet. I ate it happily. It then stopped. Prince said, "That's it. Now lick the asshole" I started licking the asshole. It was very sweet to even lick his asshole. Before I could stop, he stopped me "That's enough," Next another person came. This time I started licking it and the simultaneously the beatings started. The ass was little big and it was hairy too. I guessed it easily it was Darling. I shouted immediately. "Prabhas Sir", The beating stopped. Before I could open my mouth wide, he farted. I opened it immediately and he started shitting. His shit was continuous and large. I had to eat it quickly and gulp it. He then stopped it. I licked his asshole clean. I made sure no shit was remaining and ate it nicely. It was next person's turn. I mostly guessed it would be Cherry. I opened my tongue and started licking his asshole. I immediately shouted out "Charan Sir". Cherry continued, "You think you can escape the beating by answering quickly. You are wrong fucker. You will be spanked till I start shitting in your mouth. So I have complete control when your beating will be stopped. Start Bunny", he said. I was spanked heavily. I kept on licking his asshole. Sometimes he used to fart. I heaved a sigh of relief thinking the beating would stop. But to my disappointment it did not start. The spanking became even more fast and painful. I just prayed Cherry would start shitting soon. Finally after 10 mins, he started shitting. The first shit fell and he asked Bunny to stop beating. It was the best moment I ever had. His holy shit was in my mouth again. I started eating it. He used to shit regularly and made sure I had enough time to eat and enjoy his shit. Finally after 5 mins he stopped it. He said, "Now wash my asshole with your tongue." I began on my cleaning duties. Cherry was very particular about his ass being clean. So I licked it and made sure there was nothing left there.
Finally they untied  me and released me from the tree hanging. I was very happy finally. Then Cherry said, "We will go and lie in the room now naked. Make sure you apply oil and massage all of us." Saying so everyone went and slept in a room. There were 4 beds and everyone was naked. I took the oil. Applied it on everyone's body one by one. I massaged everything from their toes to head. Their chest, cock, balls, armpits, ass, everything. Finally they all fell asleep. After 2 hours or so they got up. One by one they started to go to bath. It was my duty to fill the bath tub and give all of them a nice bath. I made sure of it and gave each one of them a nice bath. At the end I used to dry them with the towel and send them. It was a very good task. After that everyone gathered in the hall. Bunny started, "Since you have been a very good slave, we have decided to keep you with us forever. So we have made a deal. Each one of us will rotate keeping you each month. So you get to serve one person one week. So get ready to serve us my boy!!"
By that my fate was sealed. I had become a permanent slave for them. Now I am kept in their houses as slave. I am rotated every week. I try my level best to serve my Masters. Even if they are abroad for shooting, they make sure they take me along with them. They make sure they torture me daily and never spared for a single day. My food is only their shit and I am allowed to drink only their urine. But I am happy that they are getting satisfied because of me. I love them all and would die serving for them.
So how is the story guys? Please do leave a comment below (You can comment as Anonymous also)